List of supported Cryptocurrencies for manual payments

If you want to pay manually to us, please use the following addresses.


Once you sended the payment, please open a ticket and inform us about your sending with the amount and a link where we can see the payment.

As soon as the payment arrives, we will add the amount in EUR currency with the current exchange course.


Please make sure to use the _selling_ exchange rate when you math how much crypto currency you need to send to pay the invoice in EUR currency!


If unsure, please send first small amounts to confirm working addresses!



BCH: 12NXCAWoeeTjoz6gT46rwbbX6guWDpNQZ6 

DOGE: DKpQqNvSAfDgwCzsqsjzxh1BCSBHYL8sZm

ETH via base Network: 0x8BAB54F6E1b097a7055378510C288C3974438dD

ETH via classic Network: 0x42e25BCA7e2F8C01eA70571178221Cf5bF2207b2


SOL: 2cuHAqa575NBcSrJpx9XJ8CuVfWp3M7AxCftxMRAVYwx



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